Croatian – gender lexicon
In the context of the EQUALS-EU project, we recognize the
importance of tailoring our lexicon to the linguistic and
cultural nuances of each participating country. To achieve
this, our consortium partners have made language-specific
contributions to the lexicon, ensuring that the terminology
and definitions align seamlessly with the national languages
and contextual understandings of the respective regions.
Below, we present the Croatian contributions that enrich our
lexicon, reflecting the diverse and inclusive approach
to data collection for our project.
Diversity - različitost, raznolikost
Doslovni prijevod na engleski - diversity
Comments in English:
Primjer fraze: Naziv riječkog programa Europske prijestolnice kulture Rijeka 2020 je bio Luka različitosti.
Equality - jednakost
Doslovni prijevod na engleski - equality
Comments in English:
Primjer fraze: Jednakost je naš cilj.
Gender - rod
Doslovni prijevod na engleski - gender
Comments in English:
Primjer fraze: Za razliku od spola koji je biološki uvjetovan, rod je društveni doživljaj vlastitog spola.
Gender equity - rodna ravnopravnost, rodna pravednost
Doslovni prijevod na engleski -gender equity
Comments in English:
Primjer fraze: Rodna je ravnopravnost preduvjet punog ostvaranje svih društvenih kapaciteta.
Inclusion - uključenost
Doslovni prijevod na engleski - inclusion
Comments in English:
Primjer fraze: Uključenost je pretpostavka ostvarenja moderne generacije ljudskih prava.
Mainstream - glavna struja
Doslovni prijevod na engleski - mainstream: introduction in to a prevailing stream
Comments in English:
Primjer fraze: Glavnu struju kulture kreiraju institucije i centri moći.
Marginalisation - marginalizacija
Doslovni prijevod na engleski - marginalisation: push to a margin
Comments in English:
Primjer fraze: Kurikulumi o rodnim pitanjima još uvijek su predmet marginalizacije.
Sex - spol
Doslovni prijevod na engleski - sex :
Comments in English: The word "Sex" ("seks") is in the Croatian language has the meaning
of sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.
Primjer fraze: Politika jednog djetata u Kini dovela je do značajne neravnoteže spolova.
Sustainability - održivost
Doslovni prijevod na engleski - sustainability:
Comments in English: .
Primjer fraze: Promišljanja i politike održivosti na vrhu su prioriteta gradova budućnosti.
Gender transition - rodna transformacija
Doslovni prijevod na engleski - gender transition:
Comments in English: .
Primjer fraze: Osobe koje su prošle proces rodne transformacije još uvijek se susreću s
brojnim teškoćama ostvarivanja svojih prava, posebno u zdravstvenom sustavu
We are aware of the global, legislative and academic definitions that exist for gender terminologies and the consortium drew from these definitions in tailoring the research tools to their contexts. The EQUALS-EU lexicon does not purport to redefine or displace the existing definitions, our intention is to share through our lexicon the approaches adopted per country when collecting the data for the project. We hope this may inspire and perhaps be a useful tool for those wishing to support and work with more gender inclusive innovation processes.